B. K. Birla College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Kalyan
Empowered Autonomous Status
Conducted by Kalyan Citizens' Education Society
Affiliated to University of Mumbai
Reaccredited by NAAC (4th Cycle) with ‘A++’ Grade (CGPA – 3.51) | ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

Best Practices (2020 - 2021)

Title 1. Student engagement through digital platform

To keep students engaged and connected during the pandemic was challenge which was made possible with the help of MS Teams Platform and its dynamic tools.
The world encountered the unexpected outbreak of COVID-19 and the nationwide lockdown was declared in India from 20th March 2020. This COVID-19 pandemic resulted in closedown of educational institutions to limit the spread of COVID-19. The economic fallout due to the pandemic caused significant hardships. Along with the economic crisis the entire society was facing the psychological fear of pandemic. Beside this, HEI’s faced numerous challenges in engaging students. There was an urgent need to shift from in campus to online teaching learning process. Thus, we shifted from traditional classroom environment to online learning on MS Teams classroom. Various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities were also conducted on online mode.
  • Selection of online platform ‘Microsoft Teams’ to centralize learning, collaboration at one domain.
  • Microsoft teams accounts were created and institutional email id’s were provided to 7500+ Degree College Students, faculty members and staff.
  • Regular trainings of students and faculty members were conducted to learn and apply the various features of Microsoft Teams in teaching learning process and to work more efficiently.
  • Lectures and practicals were conducted on online platform on regular basis to continue with the curriculum delivery.
  • Preparation, development and sharing of e-content was undertaken using suitable available tools.
  • Internal evaluation of students was conducted on Microsoft form.
  • To conduct online examination Qurio App services were hired.
  • Training about the online exam platform Qurio.com was organised for the students. Training videos, documents and mock tests were provided to the students.
  • Several national and international webinars, certificate courses, guest lectures, co- curricular and extra-curricular online activities were conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Gandhian Studies Centre, various committees and by all the departments.
Evidence of the success:
7500+ Students were able to successfully attend their lectures on MS Teams as per the timetable. Students’ were able to solve their doubts, upload assignments/ppts and interact with peers and teachers through online platform. For the students of science, practicals were conducted using simulation labs and demonstration conducted by teachers. Internal evaluation of students for 40 marks per course was conducted using MS forms, assignment submissions, presentations etc. 7500+ students appeared for exam on Qurio App.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
The shift to online education had brought challenges for teachers and students initially. There was lack of expertise in using online tools like MS teams. The students’ were facing problems to attend, interact and learn in the online mode due to some technical issues. The student faced certain technological concerns like internet data limits, speed, and network issue as many of the students were attending lectures from remote areas.

Resources like mobile handsets, Laptops, Desktop, headphones, high speed internet connectivity were required for effective online teaching learning and evaluation.

Best Practice 2 – Mental well-being of students, faculty members and non-teaching staff.

Objective of the practice :
1.   To spread awareness and openness amongst students, teachers and parents about mental health issues and professional help through MPOWER counselling.

2.   To understand issues related to mental health such as social isolation, fear, and grief due to COVID-19 induced complications.
context :
The global pandemic situation of COVID-19 was not only a serious medical concern, but also resulted in psycho-social stress for all. With a specific focus on students, teachers, staff and family members’ mental health concerns, the management felt the need to address it. The college in association with Mpower, Aditya Birla Education Trust launched a 24x7 helpline number (+91 7968170407) that provided online counselling during COVID-19 outbreak and later with the initiative of our esteemed management and college authorities, MPower counselling cell was established on 17th February 2021.
  • The webinar was organized on the topic ‘The New Normal - Conversations for a better tomorrow’ on 6th June 2020. Respected Smt. Neerja ji Birla, our Patron and Chairperson of Mpower addressed all the faculty members of Degree College, Teachers of Junior College and Staff.
  • Webinar was organised on ‘Mental Health Awareness’ by Ms. Manasi Ghokale and Ms. Parveen Shaikh for students and staff members on 13th August 2020.
  • Launched a 24x7 helpline number +91 796 817 0407, which has been set up and managed by experienced mental health professionals, psychologists, and counsellors for Mental health care solution on 17th August 2020. These counselling sessions are completely confidential.
  • Webinar was organised on the topic ‘positive psychology’ by Ms. Rashmi Bagri, Counselling Psychologist and Corporate Trainer on 5th November 2020. 740 + students attended the webinar.
  • Webinar was organised on the topic ‘effects of gaming and social media on students’ by Ms. Manasi Gokhale, Manager: Outreach and Content was the guest speaker on 1st October 2020.
  • Webinar was organised on the topic ‘Practicing self-care’ by Ms. Manasi Gokhale from MPower on 5th December 2020.
  • Webinar was organised on the topic ‘Relationship and Attraction’ was organised by Ms. Avantika Naidu and Ms. Dilshad Khurana Head Counsellor conduct the session to help understand the relationship and concern related to it.
  • Mpower counselling cell at BKBCK was inaugurated digitally at the auspicious hands of our esteemed patron respected Smt. Neerja ji Birla (Founder & Chairperson M power) on 17th February 2021.
  • Webinar was organised on the topic ‘General Mental Health’ for the teachers by Ms. Namrata Bhagwat counselling psychologist on 6th March 2021.
  • Webinar was organised on the topic ‘General Mental Health’ for the students of Degree College on15th May 2021.
  • Various orientation programs were conducted for creating awareness among students about the Mpower Counselling Cell at BKBCK.
Evidence of Success:
Increased awareness and openness to address various mental issues and seek resolution through professional help.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Though Mental health is a global concern, there is a lot of stigma related to it. Many of the times, it has been observed that those who have issues related to mental health, hesitate to express the same, thus delaying the treatment.

With provision of more space and infrastructure, the college intends to expand and establish MPOWER centre.
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